Süßwasserfischen im Vereinigten Königreich

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Freshwater fishing in the United Kingdom offers fishing enthusiasts a multitude of opportunities to pursue their passion in a beautiful and diverse setting.

Whether you are a beginner or an experienced angler, the UK provides a variety of lakes, rivers, and canals where you can indulge in your favorite sport. In this article, we will explore the different types of freshwater fishing in the United Kingdom, the rules and regulations to be followed, as well as some of the best fishing spots.

European eel (Anguilla anguilla) - Credit Bernard DUPONT on Wikimedia Commons
Eel fishing is a popular activity in UK - Kredit Bernard DUPONT auf Wikimedia Commons

Types of Freshwater Fishing

Coarse Fishing

Coarse fishing is the most common method used by freshwater anglers in the United Kingdom. It involves using a fishing rod and reel to cast a baited line into the water to attract and catch fish. Anglers can practice coarse fishing in lakes, rivers, and canals, targeting species such as trout, pike, roach, and carp.


Fly fishing is a popular method for catching fish in freshwater in the United Kingdom, especially trout. It involves using a specialized fishing rod, fly line, and artificial flies to imitate insects on the water’s surface. Fly anglers appreciate the technical challenge and the beauty of this fishing method.

Eel Fishing

Eel fishing is a traditional activity practiced in certain regions of the United Kingdom. It involves using nets or traps to catch eels in rivers and estuaries. This fishing method requires a deep understanding of eel habits and habitats.

Rules and Regulations

Freshwater fishing in the United Kingdom is subject to strict rules and regulations to preserve fish populations and protect aquatic ecosystems. Before going fishing, it is essential to familiarize yourself with these rules. Here are some key points to remember:

Fishing License

To fish legally in the United Kingdom, it is necessary to obtain a valid fishing license. Licenses are issued by organizations such as the Environment Agency in England, the Scottish Environment Protection Agency in Scotland, and the Natural Resources Body for Wales in Wales. Licenses can be purchased online or from authorized retailers.

Minimum Size and Catch Limits

Certain freshwater fish species have legal minimum size limits and catch quotas that must be adhered to. It is important to be aware of these specific rules, as non-compliance can result in fines and penalties.

Closed Seasons

Some rivers and lakes in the United Kingdom have closed seasons during which fishing is prohibited. These periods allow fish to spawn and maintain healthy populations. Always check the closure dates before planning a fishing trip.

Best Fishing Spots

The United Kingdom is home to some fantastic freshwater fishing spots. Here are a few of the most popular locations for anglers:

Lake Windermere, Lake District

Lake Windermere, located in the Lake District National Park in England, is one of the largest lakes in the country. It is home to a variety of fish species, including trout and pike. The spectacular landscapes and tranquility of the area make it an ideal fishing destination.

River Tweed, Scotland

The River Tweed is renowned for its world-class salmon fishing. It stretches approximately 156 kilometers along the border between England and Scotland. Anglers from around the world come here to try their luck at salmon fishing.

Norfolk Broads, England

The Norfolk Broads are a network of rivers and lakes in eastern England. It is a paradise for anglers with its calm waters and diverse fish species, including carp and roach.


Frühling und Herbst gelten allgemein als die besten Jahreszeiten für das Süßwasserangeln im Vereinigten Königreich. Die Fische sind zu diesen Zeiten aktiver.

Ja, auch Kinder müssen einen Angelschein erwerben, wenn sie im Vereinigten Königreich legal angeln wollen.

Würmer, künstliche Fliegen und Pellets gehören zu den am häufigsten verwendeten Ködern beim Süßwasserangeln.

In bestimmten Seen und Flüssen ist das Nachtangeln erlaubt, aber es kann besonderen Vorschriften unterliegen. Informieren Sie sich vor dem Nachtangeln immer über die örtlichen Vorschriften.

Ja, es gibt oft Fangquoten für bestimmte Fischarten, um die Populationen zu erhalten. Machen Sie sich mit den spezifischen Regeln an jedem Fangplatz vertraut.

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